Microsoft Word Classes
Microsoft Word: Creating Forms, Mail Merges, Envelopes and Labels
Microsoft Word: Recording Macros and Using Automation Shortcuts
Microsoft Word: Getting Started with Microsoft Word
3 Hours
Becoming familiar with the environment
Using Backspace and Delete
Inserting hard and soft returns
Viewing formatting symbols
Saving files
Previewing a document
Working with views
Cursor Movement and text highlighting tricks
Formatting characters
Formatting paragraphs
Formatting documents
Reverting character and paragraph formatting to defaults
Using Undo and Redo
Using the Spell Checker
Using the Search and Synonyms features
Finding text
Replacing text
Moving and copying text
Adding headers and footers
Inserting bullets and numbering
Microsoft Word: Tabs, Tables, Graphics & Desktop Publishing
3 Hours
It is recommended that you take Microsoft Word: Getting Started with Microsoft Word or have equivalent training or experience with Microsoft Word.
Setting tabs
Moving tabs
Removing tabs
Setting tab leaders
Creating tables
Formatting tables
Adding and deleting rows and columns
Inserting formulas in tables
Merging cells
Drawing unconventional tables
Inserting blank Excel spreadsheets
Creating newspaper columns
Inserting and deleting page breaks and column breaks
Working with graphics
Inserting graphics
Resizing a graphic
Wrapping text around graphics
Adding and editing WordArt
Inserting SmartArt graphics
Creating and applying styles
Inserting hyperlinks
Microsoft Word: Creating Forms, Mail Merges, Envelopes and Labels
3 Hours
It is recommended that you take Microsoft Word: Getting Started with Microsoft Word or have equivalent training or experience with Microsoft Word.
Inserting tables
Building forms
Adding a rich text content control
Adding a plain text content control
Adding a picture content control
Adding a combo box content control
Adding a drop down list content control
Adding a building block gallery control
Working with Legacy tools
Adding instructional text to the form
Protecting parts of a form
Preparing a form to be filled out
Setting up mail merges
Displaying the mail merge toolbar
Creating a new data source
Selecting an existing data source
Creating a mail merge letter
Creating a single label
Creating many labels at the same time
Creating a single envelope
Creating many envelopes at the same time
Creating a directory
Microsoft Word: Working with Long Documents
3 Hours
It is recommended that you take Microsoft Word: Getting Started with Microsoft Word or have equivalent training or experience with Microsoft Word.
Cursor movement
Highlighting text
Splitting windows
Working with page breaks and section breaks
Using bookmarks
Creating bookmarks
Navigating to bookmarks
Locating bookmarks
Browsing by object
Adding borders to a paragraph
Scroll bar screen tips
Reducing the size of graphic content
Using built-in styles
Rearranging paragraphs in a document with heading styles
Using find and replace with styles
Working with Outline View
Displaying style names in the border
Working with multiple documents
Copying text between documents
Creating a Table of Contents
Creating an Index
Adding footnotes and endnotes
Creating hyperlinks within a document
Microsoft Word: Recording Macros and Using Automation Shortcuts
3 Hours
It is recommended that you take Microsoft Word: Getting Started with Microsoft Word or have equivalent training or experience with Microsoft Word.
Modifying the Quick Access Toolbar
Using AutoCorrect and AutoFormat
Examples of AutoCorrect
Disabling AutoCorrect/AutoFormat options and adding entries
Pagination options
Other break options
Headers and footers
Inserting symbols and equations
Inserting hyperlinks
Fast formatting
The Format Painter
Using built-in styles
Creating your own styles
Replacing formatting using find and replace
Automatically adding elements to a document
Inserting cover pages
Working with Quick Parts
Creating templates
Working with macros
Recording a macro
Running a macro
Add a macro icon to the Quick Access Toolbar
Viewing the Visual Basic for Applications code
Microsoft Word: Useful Features in Microsoft Word
3 Hours
It is highly recommended that you take Microsoft Word: Getting Started with Microsoft Word or have equivalent training or experience with Microsoft Word.
Creating bookmarks
Creating hyperlinks
Inserting drop caps
Working with the research task pane
Looking up words
Counting words in a document
Changing the case of words
Working with Full Screen view
Viewing thumbnails
Adding footnotes and endnotes
Working with floating menus
Revealing formatting
Copying paragraph marks
Adding borders to a paragraph
Inserting symbols
Searching for a file with basic file search
Editing and viewing summary info
Protect a document with a password
Customizing the Quick Access Toolbar and ribbons
Creating a table of contents
Creating an index
Creating diagrams
Using comments
Tracking Changes
Microsoft Word: Introduction to Microsoft Word
6 Hours
Becoming familiar with the interface
Using Backspace and Delete
Using Insert and Overtype Modes
Inserting hard and soft returns
Viewing formatting symbols
Saving files
Previewing a document
Working with views
Cursor movement
Highlighting text
Formatting characters
Formatting paragraphs
Formatting documents
Using Undo and Redo
Reverting character and paragraph formatting to defaults
Using the Spell Checker
Working with the Smart Lookup
Finding synonyms
Finding and replacing text
Working with graphics
Moving and copying text
Working with multiple documents
Moving and copying text between documents
Adding Headers and Footers
Inserting bullets and numbering
Splitting windows
Using bookmarks
Creating bookmarks
Locating a bookmark
Creating links to bookmarks
Browsing by object
Using built-in styles
Using find and replace with styles
Adding borders to a paragraph
Reducing the size of graphic content
Inserting drop caps
Creating hyperlinks within a document
Microsoft Word: Intermediate Microsoft Word
6 Hours
It is recommended that you take Microsoft Word: Introduction to Microsoft Word or have equivalent training or experience with Microsoft Word.
Setting tabs
Moving tabs
Removing tabs
Setting tab leaders
Creating tables
Formatting tables
Adding and deleting rows and columns
Inserting formulas in tables
Merging cells
Drawing unconventional tables
Inserting blank Excel spreadsheets
Creating newspaper columns
Inserting and deleting page breaks and column breaks
Working with graphics
Inserting graphics
Resizing a graphic
Wrapping text around graphics
Adding and editing WordArt
Inserting SmartArt graphics
Creating and applying styles
Setting up mail merges
Displaying the mail merge toolbar
Creating a new data source
Selecting an existing data source
Creating a mail merge letter
Creating a single label
Creating many labels at the same time
Creating a single envelope
Creating many envelopes at the same time
Creating a directory
Microsoft Word: Advanced Microsoft Word
6 Hours
It is recommended that you take Microsoft Word: Intermediate Microsoft Word or have equivalent training or experience with Microsoft Word.
Modifying the Quick Access Toolbar
Using AutoCorrect and AutoFormat
Examples of AutoCorrect
Disabling AutoCorrect/AutoFormat options and adding entries
Pagination options
Other break options
Headers and footers
Inserting symbols and equations
Fast formatting
The Format Painter
Using built-in styles
Creating your own styles
Replacing formatting using find and replace
Automatically adding elements to a document
Inserting cover pages
Working with Quick Parts
Creating templates
Working with macros
Recording a macro
Running a macro
Add a macro icon to the Quick Access Toolbar
Viewing the Visual Basic for Applications code
Counting words in a document
Changing the case of words
Working with Full Screen view
Viewing thumbnails
Revealing formatting
Copying paragraph marks
Inserting symbols
Searching for a file with basic file search
Editing and viewing summary info
Protect a document with a password
Customizing the ribbons
Creating diagrams
Using comments
Tracking Changes
Adding footnotes and endnotes
Creating a Table of Contents
Creating an Index
Building forms
Adding a rich text content control
Adding a plain text content control
Adding a picture content control
Adding a combo box content control
Adding a drop down list content control
Adding a building block gallery control
Working with Legacy tools
Adding instructional text to the form
Protecting parts of a form
Preparing a form to be filled out