Microsoft PowerPoint Classes
Microsoft PowerPoint: Getting Started with Microsoft PowerPoint
3 Hours
6 Hour Format Titled Introduction to PowerPoint
Starting PowerPoint
Adding a title and subtitle
Editing and formatting text
Resizing text placeholders
Saving a presentation
Opening and closing a presentation
Shortcuts for creating a new presentation and new slides
Creating bulleted and numbered lists
Changing bulleted symbols
Creating tables
Creating charts
Creating SmartArt Graphics
Inserting and modifying video files and online videos
Moving from slide to slide
Working with views
Using drawing tools
Drawing “Perfect” objects
Resizing an object around a point
Grouping objects
Rotating objects
Stacking objects with Bring Forward/Send to Back
Spell checking
Inserting pictures
Presentation guidelines
Running a slide show
Microsoft PowerPoint: Useful Features in Microsoft PowerPoint
3 Hours
6 Hour Format Titled Advanced PowerPoint
It is highly recommended you take Microsoft PowerPoint: Creating Effective Presentations or have equivalent training or experience working with Microsoft PowerPoint.
Using guidelines
Creating bulleted and numbered lists
Using transitions
Applying a theme
Creating a template
Using slide masters to change a number of slides at the same time
Modifying the slide master
Creating your own layouts
Canceling the slide master for one page
Adding page numbers
Changing the color scheme of one slide
Inserting an outline from Microsoft Word
Replacing fonts throughout a presentation
Creating tables
Enhanced drawing
Duplicating objects
Rotating and flipping objects
Aligning objects
Changing AutoShapes
Grouping and ungrouping objects
Using the Format Painter
Creating and editing graphs
Changing layouts
Importing a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet
Importing a chart
Linking a spreadsheet
Working with graphics
Recoloring and cropping graphics
Creating Speaker Notes
Working with the Handout Master
Applying slide transitions
Tricks while running a slide show
Hiding slides
Using a pen to annotate a presentation
Using a laser pointer
Pausing during a slide show
Blacking out or whiting out the presentation
Stopping and starting an automatic show
Branching to other presentations
Customizing the ribbon
Understanding PowerPoint Options
Changing the default presentation
Animating slides
Creating custom layouts