Microsoft Excel Classes
Microsoft Excel: Getting Started with Excel Formulas & Functions
Microsoft Excel: Charting, Linking, Embedding and Working with Multiple Sheets
Microsoft Excel: Microsoft Excel Shortcuts, Tips, and Tricks
Microsoft Excel: Getting Started with Microsoft Excel Formulas & Functions
3 Hours
Understanding the user interface
Customizing the user interface
Navigating a spreadsheet quickly
Entering and editing text
Using Backspace vs. Delete while editing
Deleting data
Modifying cell alignment
Moving and copying data
Using Undo and Redo
Using the Autofill handle to copy or extend a series
Separating and formatting text with FlashFill
Creating formulas
Adding, subtracting, multiplying and dividing
Using cell references and range references
Creating Basic Functions
Using AutoFill to copy formulas
Understanding the Order of Operations
Finding and replacing information on a spreadsheet
Understanding relative and absolute references
Displaying formulas on a spreadsheet
Formatting a spreadsheet
Changing fonts
Formatting numbers as currency
Centering text across columns
Adding headers and footers
Changing the orientation of the page
Applying borders
Scaling a spreadsheet to fit on a page
Centering a spreadsheet on a page
Printing a spreadsheet
Microsoft Excel: Advanced Functions
3 Hours
It is highly recommended you take Microsoft Excel: Basic Formulas & Functions or have equivalent training or experience with Microsoft Excel.
Learn to use the following functions:
Separating text into multiple columns
Microsoft Excel: Useful Features in Microsoft Excel
3 Hours
It is highly recommended you take Microsoft Excel: Basic Formulas & Functions or have equivalent training or experience with Microsoft Excel.
Applying a password to open or modify a spreadsheet
Allowing users to edit ranges with passwords
Using named ranges for navigation purposes and creating formulas
Creating custom lists
Creating custom views
Creating scenarios
Using the Format Painter
Applying conditional formatting to one or more cells
Creating and using styles
Using Paste Special
Printing titles
Validating data with data validation
Using Goal Seek
Using Solver to optimize a result
Creating one and two way Data Tables
Microsoft Excel: Charting, Linking, Embedding and Working with Multiple Sheets
3 Hours
It is helpful to have taken Microsoft Excel: Basic Formulas & Functions or have a basic familiarity with Excel.
Creating Charts
Selecting the data to include in a chart
Creating a chart with a single keystroke
Moving a chart
Resizing a chart
Modifying characteristics of a chart
Changing bar colors
Changing the color of the background
Deleting gridlines
Formatting gridlines
Formatting text
Formatting values
Adding text to a chart
Creating a chart template
Using new chart types - Treemap, Sunburst, Histogram, Box and Whisker, Waterfall, Funnel, People Graph
Creating a link using an equation
Creating a link using Paste Special
Linking from Microsoft Excel to Microsoft Word
Embedding an Excel spreadsheet inside a Word document
Working with Multiple Sheets
Renaming sheets
Changing the color of tabs
Adding new sheets
Deleting sheets
Setting the default number of sheets in a new workbook
Changing the order of sheets
Using Group Mode to modify several sheets at the same time
Creating equations using data from different sheets
Creating and using hyperlinks
Microsoft Excel: Working with Microsoft Excel Databases
3 Hours
It is helpful to have taken Microsoft Excel: Basic Formulas & Functions or have a basic familiarity with Excel.
Splitting windows
Freezing panes
Navigation techniques
Sorting a database
AutoFiltering a database
Working with tables
Creating tables
Formatting tables
Creating total rows
Adding calculated columns
Using Slicers
Adding new fields
Using advanced filters
Subtotaling a list
Creating database functions - DSUM, DAVERAGE, DCOUNT, DCOUNTA, DMAX, DMIN, DGET
Creating PivotTables and PivotCharts
Rules for setting up a database
Modifying the format of Calculated Fields
Creating Calculated Items
Creating user-defined Calculated Fields
Using Slicers and Timelines
Creating Dashboards
Connecting Slicers to multiple PivotTables
Creating PivotCharts
Automatically adding new records to the source of data for the PivotTable
Refreshing PivotTables manually, upon file open and upon activating a sheet
Microsoft Excel: Recording Macros and Creating Forms
3 Hours
It is helpful to have taken Microsoft Excel: Basic Formulas & Functions or have a basic familiarity with Excel.
Recording Macros
Recording a macro
Using absolute and relative references when recording a macro
Running macros from the macro dialog box
Running macros using a button created by the user
Running macros using shortcut keys
Creating a macro button on the Quick Access Toolbar
Creating a custom menu item on the toolbar
Viewing the VBA code
Making minor modifications to the VBA code
Assigning shortcut keys to existing macros
Creating Forms
Adding and moving labels
Turning off gridlines
Adding combo boxes
Adding option buttons
Adding check boxes
Adding list boxes
Adding scroll bars
Adding spinners
Creating a report with the results
Microsoft Excel: Microsoft Excel Shortcuts, Tips, and Tricks
3 Hours
This course is most useful for people who already use Excel but feel that there must be a faster way to get things done.
Using AutoFill to extend a series
Using Flash Fill to separate, join or format text and numbers
Entering the current date and time with the keyboard
Entering information into several cells at the same time
Selecting an entire column
Selecting an entire row
Selecting the entire sheet
Selecting a block of information
AutoFit a column
AutoFitting an entire spreadsheet
The Mini Toolbar
Entering formulas into multiple cells at the same time
Finding formulas and finding constants
Displaying all the formulas in a spreadsheet at the same time
Quickly navigate to different sheets
Quickly navigate to a specific sheet
Comparing values in a row or column to the first value in the row or column
Transposing data
Erasing cell contents with the mouse
Changing cell orientation
®, ™ and © symbols
Putting frames on pictures
Copying equations down as far as there is data in the column next to it
Copying down and copying right
Moving down one screen or one screen to the right
Creating a new worksheet
Scrolling quickly
Navigating to a specific cell quickly
Changing the default number of worksheets in a new file
Copying formatting from one location to one or more locations
Entering fractions
Adding and removing borders with the keyboard
Drawing perfect objects
Navigating and selecting a block of data
Freezing the first row or column of a list
Microsoft Excel: Introduction to Microsoft Excel
6 Hours
Understanding the user interface
Customizing the user interface
Navigating a spreadsheet quickly
Entering and editing text
Backspace vs. delete
Deleting data
Modifying alignment
Moving and copying data
Undo and Redo
Using the Autofill handle
Creating formulas
Adding, subtracting, multiplying and dividing
Using cell references and range references
Creating Basic Functions
Using AutoFill to copy formulas or extend a series
The Order of Operations
Finding and replacing information on the spreadsheet
Understanding relative and absolute references
Displaying formulas on a worksheet
Formatting a spreadsheet
Changing fonts
Formatting numbers as currency
Centering text across columns
Adding headers and footers
Changing the orientation of the page
Applying borders
Printing a spreadsheet
Microsoft Excel: Intermediate Microsoft Excel
6 Hours
Working with named ranges
Inserting and formatting graphics
Creating charts
Modifying charts
Formatting charts
Changing chart types
Creating calculations across sheets
Using more advanced functions
Splitting windows
Freezing panes
Working with tables
Creating tables
Formatting tables
Creating total rows
Adding calculated columns
Using Slicers
Adding new fields
Creating PivotTables and PivotCharts
Rules for setting up a database
Modifying the format of Calculated Fields
Creating Calculated Items
Creating user-defined Calculated Fields
Using Slicers
Creating Dashboards
Connecting Slicers to multiple PivotTables
Creating PivotCharts
Automatically adding new records to the source of data for the PivotTable
Refreshing PivotTables
Working with Themes
Applying Themes
Creating your own Theme
Working with Templates
Understanding Excel options
Microsoft Excel: Advanced Microsoft Excel
6 Hours
Applying a password to open or modify a spreadsheet
Allowing users to edit ranges with passwords
Applying conditional formatting
Using data validation to restrict data entry
Creating drop-down lists
Auditing a spreadsheet
Displaying formulas
Tracing precedents and dependents
Creating a Watch Window
Evaluating formulas
Using automatic and manual calculation options
Creating sparklines
Using the Scenario Manager
Using Goal Seek
Creating custom lists
Creating custom views
Creating one way and two way Data Tables
Removing duplicates
Using the Analysis ToolPak
Linking cells (DDE)
Creating a link using an equation
Creating a link using paste special
Linking from Microsoft Excel to Microsoft Word
Embedding programs (OLE)
Embedding an Excel spreadsheet inside a Word document
Microsoft Excel: Excel Visual Basic for Applications (VBA)
12 Hours over 2 Days
This class is a programming class. Students should be proficient in using Microsoft Excel before taking this class.
Chapter 1 - Getting started
Introducing Excel VBA
The Developer Ribbon
Recording a macro using Absolute and Relative references
Recording an Absolute Macro
Running a macro using the ribbon
Running a macro using a shortcut key
Creating an icon on the Quick Access Toolbar to run a macro
Adding a command button to run a macro
Recording a Relative Macro
Viewing the Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) code
Editing a macro in the VBA Editor
Understanding the development environment
The Object Browser
Using Visual Basic Help
Closing the Visual Basic Editor
Chapter 2 - Working with procedures and functions
Understanding modules
Creating a Standard Module
Understanding procedures
Creating a Sub Procedure
Calling Procedures from inside other procedures
Using the Immediate Window
Creating a Function Procedure
Naming procedures
Working with the Code Editor
Colors used in coding
Using capitalization while coding
Setting Code Editor Options
Code settings
Window settings
Guidelines for editing code
Commenting code
Finding code
Complete Word feature
Chapter 3 - Understanding objects
- Understanding objects
Navigating the Excel Object Hierarchy
Understanding collections
Using the Object Browser
Working with properties
Using the With Statement
Working with methods
Creating an Event Procedure
Chapter 4 - Using expressions, variables, and intrinsic functions
Understanding expressions and statements
Declaring variables
Explicit vs. implicit variable declaration
Working with Declaration Statements
Working with variable scope
Naming variables
Understanding Data Types
Creating an Assignment Statement
Using intrinsic functions
Understanding constants
Using intrinsic constants
Using Message Boxes
Using Input Boxes
Declaring and using Object Variables
Chapter 5 – Controlling program execution
Understanding control-of-flow structures
Working with Boolean expressions
Comparison Operators and Logical Operators (Keyword Operators)
Using the If…End If decision structures
If…Then Statements
If…Then…Else Statements
Using the Select Case…End Select structure
Using the Do…Loop structure
Using the For…To…Next structure
For…Next Statements
Using the For Each…Next structure
Guidelines for use of control-of-flow structures
Chapter 6 - Working with forms and controls
Understanding UserForms
Using the Toolbox
Working with UserForm properties, events and methods
Understanding controls
Setting control properties in the Properties Window
Working with the Label Control
Working with the Text Box Control
Working with the Command Button Control
Working with the Combo Box Control
Populating a control
Working with the Frame Control
Working with Option Button Controls
Working with control appearance
Setting the tab order
Adding code to controls
Launching a form in code
Chapter 7 - Working with the PivotTable object
Understanding PivotTables
Creating a PivotTable
Working with the PivotTable Wizard method
Working with PivotFields
Assigning a procedure to a custom toolbar
Chapter 8 - Debugging Code
Understanding errors
Using debugging tools
Setting Breakpoints
Stepping through code
Using Break Mode during Run Mode
Determining the value of expressions
Chapter 9 - Handling errors
Understanding error handling
Understanding VBA’s error trapping options
Trapping errors with the On Error statement
Understanding the Err object
Writing an error-handling routine
Working with inline error handling